How to Hang Artwork for Staging and Decorating

Best Ways To Successfully Place Artwork in A Room!
When it comes to decorating, traditional home staging, or even virtual staging with artwork, be sure NOT to overdo it! You can create a collection of artwork on a wall but it can easily become a big hodgepodge in a hurry. We suggest starting with one large piece that will be the focal point of a room. Keep in mind, it is not necessary to have artwork on every wall in a living space but to have at least one special piece or small collection of artwork that will set the tone in a room. Here are our Best Ways to Successfully & Appropriately Hang Artwork! ….
1.) Installation. Before starting to put nails in the wall right away start by arranging the artwork on the floor to get an idea of how it will look on the wall. We also suggest tracing out each wall hanging onto brown bag paper or wrapping paper and then taping those pieces to the wall to determine how to group them and where each nail or hook will be placed on the wall. Be sure to install the artwork so that the picture’s center point rests at eye level for the average height person. Following these easy steps will make hanging an artwork collection a snap!
2.) Placement. When staging or decorating a living space, artwork should be placed in a room so that it is the focal point. Don’t stress out about placing art around furnishings and decor it should really be the other way around. Incorporate furnishings and lamps and even plasma tv’s into the arrangement.
3.) Measurements. There are some rules of thumb to go by when hanging artwork appropriately on a wall and above furnishings when staging a living space. As a general rule, a piece of artwork shouldn’t be more than 75% of the furniture’s width. Go as tall as possible in a small space to make the room feel larger. We suggest that the bottom of the art begin roughly around 7 to 10 inches from the top of a piece of furniture. Or measure 60 inches up from the floor to the center of the first piece of artwork hung and if your ceilings are lower then come down a couple inches.
4.) Nailing It! When it is time to start hanging, be sure to purchase the right picture hangers and nails that coordinate with the weight of each piece of art. Heavier pieces like mirrors or large framed art should be hung with anchors that go into the wall and are secure. For homes with plaster walls, we suggest placing painters tape or masking tape pieces in a criss cross where the nail will be placed to prevent cracking.
Keep in mind artwork or a collection of art pieces should create warmth in a room and be the center of interest. It should also visually expand a room by widening a wall or creating an illusion of height in a living space. Artwork always shows best when illuminated so be sure to turn on the lights and let it attract attention and feel important!
Get more Virtual Staging and Home Staging tips.
What Our Clients Say
“Our vacant property was listed for sale with no offers for over 90 days and after virtual staging of the photos took place, we instantly saw an increase in buyer traffic and got an offer in less than 4 weeks. The buyers liked the photos which helped them with decorating ideas for the home.”
JEANNIE THOMPSON, Agent | Long & Foster – Virginia
“We received 2 offers in less than a week and a half. The property was listed with vacant photos for over 220 days on the market with no offers. Many buyers passed on the house but after posting the virtual photos, they changed their minds and we definitely saw an increase in buyer traffic!”
TRISH BRADLEY, Agent | Rutledge Properties – Massachusettes
“My vacant property listing sat for about 3 weeks on the market and after posting the virtual photos by Virtually Staging Properties, I saw a 50% increase in buyer traffic and we got an offer just 1 day later. The buyer’s agent thought virtual staging was a great idea and was going to consider using it for their vacant listings.”
TARIQ THOMAS, Agent | Thomas Holding Group – Pennsylvania
“The photos were beautiful and certainly gave life to my vacant listing and within the first week after posting the photos and the listing online, we got 4 offers and a full price offer was accepted. Thank You!”
ANNMARIE DEL FRANCO, Agent | Blackstone Properties of CT – Connecticut
“After posting the virtually staged photos I saw an increase in showings and we got my vacant listing under contract in less than 14 days! “